Monday, 9 June 2008

Sex and the City

Are there seriously no other reviews of this? Is it just me and Robert (who hasn't even seen it)? I can't help but wonder.......where all the other review are?

OK, so you've watched the TV show so you know what to expect. It's funny, sad, romantic, and very well written. I won't spoil the plot for you, but it is in keeping with the TV show. Carrie doesn't get kidnapped by aliens or anything like that.

There's a short review of where all the characters are at the beginning. Oddly, although the TV theme tune does show up now and again, they've not tried to use it for the main title sequence. Running time is about right, there's no unnecessary characters, although there are a few cameos from the series.

I enjoyed it immensely.

Score: C+
Entertaining and fun to watch.

Thursday, 5 June 2008

Blade: Trinity

The Blade films are a bit of a mixed bunch. Popular enough to spawn a TV spin-off. Not popular enough to get that TV show renewed for a second year. They've had a troubled history at the box office too.

I got into Blade when a friend gave me the first film on VHS. Yes, Blade really is that old. My main impression was that the film was a very modern take on the vampire genre. I didn't really enjoy Blade 2, and I can't really pin down why. I think in the end it came down to a film that swung too far towards gritty and violent and too far away from funny.

Having seen Blade: Trinity for the first time last night on Channel Four, I can say I thoroughly enjoyed it. Ryan Reynolds annoyed a lot of people with his quipping in this, but I found him a good counter balance for Blade's cynicism.

Sure the plot's more full of holes than Swiss cheese and as thin as paper, but it doesn't seem to matter. It's a great vampire action movie and you never get tired of seeing vamps incinerate into ash. The action pieces are very well crafted, the dialogue is good and the one liners are bountiful.

Score: C+
Entertaining and fun to watch. Just don't expect Bram Stoker to approve.

OQ: Well, this is embarrassing...