Saw this on Sunday in a toss up between this, The Inside Man which doesn't really appeal or V for Vendetta, which I want to see with a few mates.
It's not good.
It's not bad, either.
Hmm, where to start... It's got a few good comedy moments in it, but overall not as funny as I expected. For a script co-written by
It's not even got the advantage of trying to guess who the villain is, since the deduction Clouseau comes to is based on two clues that are not mentioned until the final "unveiling". Martin's accent, although giving a couple of the better laughs in the film, began to grate towards the end, and not even the combined efforts of Steve Martin and Jean Reno can lift the more mundane parts of it. Having said that, Reno and Martin do have several good scenes together and the final humiliation of the chief inspector is funny.
Yahoo users are giving it a B-.
Personally, I think they're being generous. If I was pressured into making a comparison, I'd say it's a bit like the second Austin Powers movie, except without the tongue-in-cheek, self parodying nature. In fact, that's pretty apt. Think of Austin Powers, without Mike Myers' insane sense of humour and you're on the right track.
Saxon Film Score: C
I should point out, I'm not a huge fan of Peter Seller's versions, so that gives you an idea of how bad this is in places.
Pretemps: He was shot in the head.
Clouseau : Was it fatal?
Pretemps: Yes.
Clouseau : How fatal?
Pretemps: Completely.